Mobilize Your Network
The power of building and learning how to mobilize your network as a Christian writer to spread their message for the glory of God
More insights into how to align your life with God’s plan for you…
The power of building and learning how to mobilize your network as a Christian writer to spread their message for the glory of God
Together, we can overcome any obstacle and find joy and purpose in our restoration journey
Uncover the secrets food holds to create space in your heart for healing. How to find healing amidst grief and emptiness this holiday season
Through my obedience, I can be an example to the community. I can be part of the remnant that God uses to save the community
Submission is trusting God’s competence and adequacy—because the omnipotent, omniscient God I know and love is more than able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think
We want to pay attention to the more noticeable boundaries where the exceptions are more clearly defined. We also need to pay attention to the other boundaries too because they can kill you—or your hopes and dreams—too, just slower
Yes, shifting to a new direction can be hard. For those of us who experienced a catastrophic event, it can be more than hard. It can hurt.
So, once I reconnected with my God-given position as Adam’s descendent, I could rest again. All I had to do was remember not to allow my circumstances to define me
The first question was: How will you make decisions? This first decision was foundational to our relationship—because all our future decisions would rest upon that decision
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.” This truth is followed by a list of fourteen
When God creates something new, it springs forth in the sense of a fountain bubbling up or a plant sprouting up from underground
What happened to the lost art of real, genuine brothers in the Body Of Christ? What happened to men who would look after their sisters-in-the-Lord
“I would like us to get to know each other, become friends first, with a view towards marriage.” When Reggie approached me, he immediately let me know his intentions—short-term (to get to know each other as friends) and long-term (marriage)
My grief taught me that the opinions of friends are nice, but what I think about this person is significant. So, when I see behavior that I do not feel comfortable with, I take pause
All too many times, we go by what others say and even by what we see take place with others. This is true even in relationships. And this belief goes both ways
Uncomfortable sharing some things with the person in your life? That’s okay. However, I would challenge you to find out why you are uncomfortable
As you progress through your life, whether alone or together, we hope that you have a clear understanding of where you are every step of your journey
“May my next boyfriend love me to distraction.” That was a prayer of mine many, many years ago. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it
The work to get a gift from God does not compare to what you get in return from the gift! I believe God has a gift out there for you—it may just take a change in perspective for you to get it
Truly seeing the other person is part of a successful relationship. We pray that you see and appreciate the people in your life, and that they do the same for you
So, I took that step into the unknown trusting God to show me the way. Trusting God that I could one day have a happy, healthy relationship and today I do. And you can too
I hope that you will identify what triggers your pain, and with God’s help, release it. So, you can be free. Yes, it may hurt and it will require work, but I am living proof that it gets better—a better life with better relationships
“Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?” What are your priorities? The answer to these questions changed my relationships, especially my marriage
Tender spots are sensitive issues in our lives, like wounds, fears, or other vulnerabilities. Tender spots are not weapons that we use against each other. Tender spots are opportunities to protect and support each other
“Start out the way you want to end up.” This is a wonderful piece of advice that my mother gave me on relationships. It is also the first thing that comes to mind when women ask me who should make the first move in romantic relationships
The devil is about to find out that you are stronger than he thinks, and that any man that steps towards you will have to step correct and godly. God will send godly people to be of help and assistance to you. God will take wonderful care of you
If I was going to do it again, I needed it to be different. So, I needed to be different. My time alone with Him allowed God to heal me and change me
Not every woman feels like celebrating or her joy is bittersweet. For many women who have experienced a miscarriage, Mother’s Day is a painful reminder of our losses—and most women suffer in silence
Remembering loved ones is another way of coping with grief during the holidays. By remembering your loved one, I mean intentionally including your loved ones in a holiday ritual or tradition
Abstinence may sound counterintuitive when it comes to deepening your connection with your significant other, but trust me it works
Referring to the main character of the BET series Being Mary Jane played by Gabrielle Union. Union’s character places yellow sticky notes all over her house, with positive affirmations and quotes that she reads every morning before going to work
These women came alongside me and walked with me as I walked with them—they showed me that we don’t have to allow adversity to be the ending to our stories
As your emotional health improves, so will your life by making you a happier, healthier, more positive person—positive people are more likely to attract other positive people and things in their lives
I encourage you to make improving your relationship skills, and ultimately, your relationships, an ongoing part of your self-improvement process whether you are waiting for a blessing or not
Whatever my next blessing is, I want to be ready to receive it. Rather than focusing on what you are missing, focus on what you can do to prepare for your blessing when it arrives, be patient in waiting and avoid distractions
The ability to be vulnerable can deepen your connections and improve your relationships—don’t be afraid of how people in your life will judge you
My writer’s block was so severe I couldn’t even journal—but when I treated the disease, the symptoms naturally cleared up.