Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

Meet Christian Author

Dawn Mann Sanders

I am a writer, Bible teacher, overachiever, overcomer, chocolate/sweets enthusiast, and Jesus follower. I started this blog to open a dialogue about how to navigate the challenges, struggles, and obstacles we encounter in life and, ultimately, not allow these experiences to define us. I’m excited to share tips, ideas, resources and whatever else works to free us to create lives that God loves and we enjoy.

My prayer is that you will join me.

I've traveled this path before and lived to tell the tale—not once, but twice...

First a divorce and most recently the passing of my second husband, Reggie. I was a happy newlywed on the path to creating my dream life with Reggie. We were both serving the Lord in our home church, First Baptist Church of Glenarden International, as well as through a ministry we founded together called A Cord of Blue, where we provided the training and resources to transform the lives and relationships of those considering the transition from being single to married.

We were busy living our lives while providing the needed biblical and practical advice on how to navigate the courtship/dating and engagement waters, when Reggie suffered a massive heart attack while out jogging. Our journey, everything that I thought I would ever need or be, was brought to a screeching halt.

It took time, however I successfully transitioned from the end of our journey to the beginning of my journey. Along the way, I discovered a buried treasure: God’s process for creating new lives. I dove deep into Scripture and unearthed God’s process.

Today, using my unique perspective, authenticity, and courage, I meet readers and followers starting over from scratch and help them regain their agency. I guide them through God’s process for creating a new life after theirs has been destroyed, or when just starting out.

Being a published writer is my calling, but like many writers, my journey has been far from smooth. I have encountered innumerable obstacles along the way, the most challenging of course being Reggie’s passing, which dimmed my passion for writing until I healed.

However, in the summer of 2020, my passion reignited. God used the COVID shutdown and subsequent months as a wilderness experience to prepare me for a new writing journey.

Now, through my new beginning, I am rewriting my ending—one glorious chapter at a time!

A Cord of Blue Divider | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

Now let's talk about you...

My personal inspiration in sharing the Word and the fruits of my spiritual studies is to help my readers and followers transition from:


to Powerful


to Full


to Significance


to Victory


to Movement


to Patience


to Hopefulness


to Creative


to Faith

You might have something in common with many of the people who are drawn to hear my message, if you are:

  • Starting over due to a loss in your life that has seemingly taken everything of meaning or value, leaving you feeling empty and like you have nothing;
  • Trying to overcome dissatisfaction with a blocked or challenged area of your life and want to try something new, but have no idea where to begin;
  • Overwhelmed at the prospect of starting out with nothing and have no idea how to move forward;
  • Seeking guidance to move forward in your faith and God’s will for your life.
Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice
Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice
Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice
Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

There's a definite form to my plan, with signposts along the way that ground our journey together in faith and understanding. My readers and followers will:

  • Receive insights into God’s process for creating new lives derived from a close study of God’s Word they can use as a model for their own journeys;
  • Exercise their God-given authority to restore order and organization to the disorder and disorganization resulting from their catastrophic events;
  • Live the lives they were meant to live by joining God in His creation of their lives, environments, communities, and worlds;
  • Recognize that the same God, the most powerful force in the universe that was present at the beginning, is also present now, and aware, and filled with abundance, in their seemingly powerless situation;
  • Discern when to shine the Light of Truth to put boundaries on the darkness trying to overtake their life, and when to anticipate and recognize the healthy darkness that is as God’s Secret Place.
A Cord of Blue Divider | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

let's begin

Your New Beginning

Join our community to begin your journey in the presence of God and His plan for your life. These posts are the first step in connecting your creative journey to God’s.

Time to Come out of the Shadows | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

New Life

I want to return to the center of the Light. Where I belong. Care to join me?

free e-book!

Five Steps for Walking ​Through God’s Opened Doors

Unlock God’s guidance for your journey! Dive into this FREE e-book and discover the five steps to confidently walk through His opened doors.

Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice
Podcast mockup | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice
Podcast mockup | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

coming soon!

Creating a Life He Loves & You Enjoy Podcast

The upcoming podcast will be a place to examine the possibilities, lookout for the opportunities, and learn how others have responded to God’s invitation to join Him in His creation—of us, our communities, our environments, and our worlds.

Speaking & Events

Invite Dawn to speak at your next event.

Christian author and speaker who is regularly invited to share her journey of faith and new beginnings with audiences around the United States.

Upcoming Events

White knot divider | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice
Women's Bible Study - First Baptist Church of Glenarden

September 23, 2024

Prayer United - Pilgrim Covenant Church in Lunenburg, MA

September 29, 2024

Women's Bible Study - First Baptist Church of Glenarden

September 30, 2024

The 2024 Venture Forward Conference - Groton Bible Chapel in Groton, CT

October 28, 2024

Coming Soon!

When Your World Ends: God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life

Dawn digs deep into the creation story and unearths a seven-step process by which God brings us out of the void and into new beginnings.