How to Find Peace in the Chaos

Unshakable Faith in the Midst of Life's Tremors

How to Find Peace in the Chaos

There’s no denying it—life can be chaotic. The moments that truly unsettle me, the ones that really throw me off balance, are those that follow my encounters with the divine. Just after standing on the mountaintop, basking in the presence of God, chaos creeps into my existence. With the resonance of God’s voice still echoing in my ears and His lingering touch upon my skin, the solid earth—that mountainbeneath my feet suddenly quakes. And I find myself yearning for peace in the midst of this unexpected chaos.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and out of control.

We all experience moments when our world seems to crumble. Whether it’s a devastating natural disaster, a serious illness, a tragic event, or even a terrorist attack, we all experience moments when our world seems to be falling apart. From juggling work and family commitments to dealing with unexpected challenges, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and out of control.

Thankfully, Isaiah 54:10 reminds us that even when the mountains are shaken, there’s a powerful promise that remains unbroken. It’s a promise of God’s unwavering love, a covenant of peace that transcends life’s earthquakes.

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. 
~ Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

But how do we find peace in the midst of chaos? How can we be unshakable when life’s tremors threaten to knock us off our feet? If you’ve ever felt emptiness, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction after knowing the peaks of contentment, this is for you. Here are a few tips that have guided me and may offer you solace as well.

1. Expect the Chaos

My initial observation of this passage revealed the depicted posture does not convey struggle or combat, diverting us from a state of peace. This insight stems from the opening word of the verse—”though.” This particular word can also be interpreted as “when” or “surely.” Such words suggest that earth-shattering moments are an inevitable part of life. They’re to be expected, not to be taken by surprise.

View chaos as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Instead, we must acknowledge the chaos and accept it as a natural part of our journey. That way, we’ll come to expect them and they won’t catch us off guard. This also allows us to view chaos as an opportunity for growth and transformation, rather than obstacles that hinder our peace.

2. Ground Yourself in Faith

When chaos strikes, it’s natural to feel shaken as the ground shifts beneath our feet. Yet, instead of succumbing to our emotions, God calls us to anchor ourselves in faith and stand on His promises. In the second part of this verse, we find a profound assurance—a promise of God’s unwavering love and unshakable peace.

Depend on the unshakeable foundation of God’s love and peace.

Chaos often makes us feel helpless and vulnerable, but by grounding ourselves in faith by relying upon His promises, we acknowledge that God is in control, even when mountains tremble. This understanding provides a profound sense of security. We no longer depend on our own strength but on the unshakeable foundation of God’s love and peace. Even amidst the chaos, we can trust that He is with us. We can trust He’ll never take His love and peace away from us. This foundation allows us to remain steadfast and unshakable, even when everything else around us is in turmoil.

3. Cling to the Covenant of Peace

In our pursuit of peace, Isaiah 54:10 holds a precious gem – the “covenant of peace.” A covenant, in biblical terms, is more than a mere contract or agreement. It’s a sacred, unbreakable promise initiated by God. It signifies an enduring relationship between God and His people. Covenants are not transactional but relational. They establish the framework for a deep and lasting connection between God and humanity. The essence of a covenant is trust, faithfulness, and commitment.

God’s peace is an unceasing and unconditional gift available to us at all times.

When seeking to find peace in the midst of chaos, we must remember that God has made a covenant of peace with us. This means that His peace is not temporary or conditional. It’s an unceasing and unconditional gift available to us at all times—even when chaos’ tremors vibrate through our lives. We can embrace this covenant by trusting in God’s faithfulness and committing ourselves to His ways. By doing so, we can experience true peace even in the midst of chaos.

4. Seek God’s Presence

In the midst of a catastrophic, life-altering event, it’s easy to feel disconnected from God. We often experience anger and frustration born from questioning why God allowed such tragedy into our lives. But it’s precisely in these moments that we need His presence the most.

Instead of withdrawing because we’re hurt, we must actively seek Him for our healing. By reminding ourselves of His covenant of peace, we can shift our focus from our own pain to the unchanging character and power of our compassionate God. Reflecting on the fact that He initiated this covenant for our benefit serves as a reminder of His unwavering love and compassion.

Shift our focus from our own pain to the unchanging character and power of our compassionate God.

It’s important to recognize that His power remains unshaken, even when our faith wavers. When we realize that God’s promises are not subject to change and His compassion and power aren’t subject to change, our hearts find assurance and tranquility—peace in the chaos. His peace becomes our anchor in the earthquakes of our lives.


Seeking to find peace in a world full of chaos can feel like an impossible task. But as we remember God’s promise to never let go of us and embrace His covenant of peace, we can stand unshakable in the midst of life’s tremors. It’s not about avoiding chaos or being immune to its effects, but rather finding peace despite it. By grounding ourselves in faith, clinging to His promises, and seeking His presence, we can experience the unshakable peace that only comes from a deep and unwavering relationship with God.

Stand firm in our faith, knowing that even when mountains shake and hills are removed, God’s love and peace will remain with us always.

So when chaos inevitably strikes, let us turn to Isaiah 54:10 as a reminder of God’s love, his covenant of peace, and the unchanging strength that comes from trusting in Him. So let us hold on to His promises and stand firm in our faith, knowing that even when mountains shake and hills are removed, God’s love and peace will remain with us always.

I invite you to share your thoughts and feelings with me via social media on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedInTwitter, or Threads.

Until next time,

Dawn Mann Sanders

Cord of Blue divider | Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

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