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Five Steps for Walking ​Through God’s Opened Doors

Unlock God’s guidance for your journey! Dive into this FREE e-book and discover the five steps to confidently walk through His opened doors.

Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

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God’s Always Shaping and Preparing Us for Our Next Big Thing

If God’s opening the door, He’ll direct you. He’ll teach you what ​you need to know and tell you where you need to go. You just have to trust, check, look, prepare, and pray. And while you’re doing that, get to stepping—right through that ​door!

let's begin

A Peek Inside the Book

5 Steps for Walking Through God’s Opened Doors is available to you as an e-book and inspirational guide. Download it today and receive:

  • Inspirational advice to grow more confident in God’s call on your life.
  • Encouragement to start out or start over, no matter. what setbacks you’ve faced
  • Biblical references and wisdom anchored in timeless, relevant truth.
  • An additional resource list so you can move forward fully equipped to thrive in life.
Dawn Mann Sanders | Christian Author and Motivational Speaker | Biblical Relationship Advice

Get Your Copy ​Today!

New opportunities can be exciting, especially when God is in it and He’s opening the door.

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Five Steps for Walking ​Through God’s Opened Doors

Unlock God’s guidance for your journey! Dive into this FREE e-book and discover the five steps to confidently walk through His opened doors.

Coming Soon!

When Your World Ends: God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life

Dawn digs deep into the creation story and unearths a seven-step process by which God brings us out of the void and into new beginnings.