When is the Right Time to Start Creating a New Life?
Six years ago, my upstairs neighbor’s water heater leaked into my bedroom and bathroom. The water damage resulted in stripping down the ceilings, walls, and
More insights into how to align your life with God’s plan for you…
Six years ago, my upstairs neighbor’s water heater leaked into my bedroom and bathroom. The water damage resulted in stripping down the ceilings, walls, and
Though easy at first, hard work became Adam and Eve’s experience as well. But Adam and Eve didn’t stop in the face of hard work—and thankfully so. If they had, none of us would be here
You’ve experienced a devastating, even catastrophic, event. Now, it feels like the end of the world as you know it. That’s because it did. The world as you knew it ended. But it isn’t the first time. The first happened, you guessed it, at the beginning
When I met Reggie, I wasn’t ready for my blessing. The enemy took advantage of my lack of preparation and sent a counterfeit to distract me from my purpose. His attack was brutal
Creating a new life in the wake of a catastrophic event is hard. The event we went/are going through “involved or caused sudden great damage or suffering.” Just thinking about the damage and suffering we have endured can make us
No matter what time I wake up, I purpose to rise AND shine. Because starting my day off right is a crucial step in creating and living a life I love. That means I have to have a good morning
Here I am trusting God. My new extraordinary life (my next big thing) has not arrived yet, but I finally want it and believe it is on its way. I’m on a journey to find/create/build it because there is still hope
“I lost myself,” stated a former student of mine. That is easy to do following a life-altering event. We focus so much on the doing that the being gets lost. At least, that is what happened to me
My writer’s block was so severe I couldn’t even journal—but when I treated the disease, the symptoms naturally cleared up.