How Difficulty Plays in Creating a New Life
Though easy at first, hard work became Adam and Eve’s experience as well. But Adam and Eve didn’t stop in the face of hard work—and thankfully so. If they had, none of us would be here
More insights into how to align your life with God’s plan for you…
Though easy at first, hard work became Adam and Eve’s experience as well. But Adam and Eve didn’t stop in the face of hard work—and thankfully so. If they had, none of us would be here
Here I am trusting God. My new extraordinary life (my next big thing) has not arrived yet, but I finally want it and believe it is on its way. I’m on a journey to find/create/build it because there is still hope
“I lost myself,” stated a former student of mine. That is easy to do following a life-altering event. We focus so much on the doing that the being gets lost. At least, that is what happened to me