On June 10, 2011, God woke me up the morning after my husband Reggie’s death. To say his death wasn’t a desired or pleasurable invitation is the understatement of my life. The loss of my husband equated to the end of the world as I knew it. The last thing I wanted to do that morning was to live in a world without him in it. When God woke me up that morning, he invited me into what felt like an impossible situation. As far as I was concerned, it simply couldn’t be done. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to do it. My husband had just died and I was powerless to change it.
In moments of despair, invitations hold immense power. They have the ability to transform lives and shape destinies. How we respond to these invitations determines the course of our journey. They can create the possible and the impossible. That morning, amid my grief, God invited me into the impossible.
The limbo you now find yourself in is your opportunity to reconnect and recharge. It’s where God begins to restore any power you lost – and any peace.
Reggie was a gifted encourager and supporter. Most importantly for me, he was my champion. When he died, I lost that encouragement and support. I lost my champion—the most tangible part of my support system at the time. It’s no wonder I felt unsupported. It’s no wonder I felt untethered.